Monday, September 8, 2008

Declaration of Archbishop Sebastion Izzard

++From: Archbishop Sebastion Izzard

++All Channels++
++(Channel Gama not responding)+++
++(Channel Zeta not responding)+++

Citizens of Alpheca, it has become clear to me the the governor of our planet has demonstrated complete incompetence. Our world is besieged on all sides by mankind's enemies, but where is he? His mighty defence force that the openly boasted about for so long is scattered in the wastes, completely ineffectual.

I have just received word that he has quit the capital while it is besieged both the forces of the archenemy and xenos filth. Where he has gone to hide, we do not know.

Heed not the lies the lord governor has told: we are not forsaken.
Our gracious Emperor has sent us relief, yet he is to blinded by his pride and cowardice to see our delivers for what they are. The Sisters of the Order of the Amethyst Shroud have secured St. Phineas. Also, under the orders of the Sacred Inquisition, the Imperial Guard of the Varrian 10th have made planet fall near Hive Secondus.

In light of all these facts, I declare Alpheca III now under control of the Ecclesiarchy. All Planetary defence forces report to me. In addition, all astartes and imperial guard forces send delegations to St. Phineas immediately. I am now in control of the defence and liberation of Alpheca.

When we have delivered Alpheca from our enemies, Lord Governor Bellavos will be punished for his crimes.


xNickBaranx said...

The Varrian 10th have made planet fall or they have fallen off the planet?

Pedro Kantor said...

i'd have to say the Varrian 10th made planet fall, but on the wrong planet... stupid imperial pyskers... either that or they are protecting that incompetent Lord Governor Bellavos...

Scott said...

I'm a little behind in the plot, so the fate of the Varrian 10th will be reported by the end of the week.